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Automatic tank curtain door


Product Name:Automatic tank curtain door

Update time:2020-10-31 15:23:20

Product Details

In the mining process of metal and non-metal mines, the cage door or curtain door of the cage is an important link in the safety guarantee of cage lifting. In most cases, the existing cage door or curtain door needs to be operated by the hook operator, which has many potential safety hazards, long lifting time and high labor intensity, especially for large cages; And because the cage moves up and down in the shaft, it is difficult to install the driving device (driving source) on it. The coal mine safety regulations stipulates that "the cage specially designed for lifting personnel and lifting personnel and materials must be equipped with tank door or curtain at the inlet and outlet, and the height shall not be less than 1.2m. The distance from the lower edge of the tank door or curtain to the tank bottom shall not exceed 250mm, and the spacing between the cross bars of the tank curtain shall not be greater than 200mm. The tank door shall not open outward, and the door shaft must prevent falling off." in conclusion, The automatic function of tank door or tank curtain door has always been an important factor restricting the improvement efficiency of auxiliary shaft. Therefore, after long-term exploration, our company has developed this active automatic electric tank curtain door. This tank curtain door adopts wireless charging permanent power supply, realizes automatic control mode under PLC control, and prevents accidental opening of tank curtain door through unique structural form, It is a new type of intelligent tank curtain door system to improve the safety and efficiency of the cage.

Product features:

1. System operation safety: under PLC control, it is interlocked and locked with tank position, vehicle operation and signal system to prevent misoperation, that is, the cage is not in place, and the driving motor is in power-off state. Even if misoperation, there is no potential safety hazard and high safety; After the cage is in place, the automatic mode: power on operation. After the cage leaves, power off protection to ensure safety; Remote control mode: manually operate the remote controller by the hook operator or open and close the tank curtain door by the signal operator button;

2. Safety of personnel: operators shall operate away from the dangerous area at the wellhead to eliminate potential safety hazards;

3. Efficient use: in the remote control mode or automatic mode, the action cycle of the tank curtain door is short and occupies less lifting time. During installation, it can be quickly connected to the vehicle operation electric control system, so as to realize the locking control with the lifting system and realize automatic operation;

4. Long battery life: when the cage stops at the wellhead, the wireless charging method is adopted to increase the battery life capacity and avoid frequent battery replacement;

5. Flexible and reliable installation: flexible and convenient installation and transformation, equidistant distribution of door poles, reliable, neat and beautiful action.

Product parameters:


Net width of tank curtain door (mm)

Opening and closing speed (M / s)

Door stop height (mm)

Operation mode






Remote control / automatic

U supporting wireless charging system

U intelligent control system

U a is the tank width

Product model:



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